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Apple trees in bloom


Curran Orchard Resource Enthusiasts

CORE is a group of volunteers dedicated to the Curran Orchard Park. We meet once a month to discuss and plan orchard activities ranging from pruning parties, tree care classes, tours, summer concerts and the annual Cider Squeeze.


Anyone is welcome to join CORE. We are always looking for new members interested in promoting and nurturing the orchard. Come join us…we need YOUR ideas…and we are always happy to train people if needed.

Curran Apple Orchard Barn
Apple from the orchard

CORE Meeting:


First Tuesday of every month at 6:00p.m. 


Everyone is welcome to attend in person OR via zoom.


Please email for meeting information.


People unable to attend meetings can review minutes which are posted prior to the next meeting. We also welcome feedback on any issue.  Please contact us at

History of the Orchard

An "urban, edible" outdoor classroom

Charles and Mary Curran with Brewster and Christopher

Mary and Charles Curran purchased a 7.33 acre parcel of land in 1951 and transformed it into an apple orchard with 250 Gravenstein, McIntosh and Golden Delicious apple trees that quickly became a popular local landmark.


The Curran’s two horses, Brewster and Christopher, also enjoyed visits from local children.


In 1993, the University Place Community Council successfully obtained Conservation Futures funds from Pierce County to preserve the orchard forever as a park. Today, Volunteers from CORE (Curran Orchard Resource Enthusiasts) continue their efforts in working with the City of University Place to develop the orchard into an “urban, edible” outdoor classroom.

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